Saints Row IV 4 Re-Elected PS4


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⏩⏩⏩    Nedugo nakon događaja koje ste pratili u Saints Row The Third, MI-6 angažuje vas, Šondi i Pirsa da se probijete kroz bazu punu terorista i zaustavite ih pre nego što na Vašington lansiraju raketu sa nuklearnom bojevom glavom. Iako stižete da umlatite Sajrusa Templea, niste u stanju da zaustavite lansiranje projektila. Ono što jeste u stanju da uradite je da stignete raketu, zajašete je tokom uzletanja i detonirate je, u letu, pre aktivacije nuklearne glave, sve dok „ Aerosmith” u pozadini svira „ I Don’ t Wanna Miss a Thing” ! Postajete najpopularnija osoba na svetu i predsednik SAD. Pet godina kasnije nekadašnja Bela kuća, a sada Bela gajba je nova baza Saintsa. Sada vodite i bandu i celu državu, naravno sa istom kombinacijom šarma i sociopatskih tendencija kao i pre. Taman kada ste mislili da se obratite dosadnim novinarima na temu odličnih dostignuća za celo čovečanstvo – počinje invazija vanzemaljskih osvajača čiji vođa Zinyak vas stavlja u virtuelnu simulaciju Steelporta kako bi vas mučio. Red je da mu pokažete kako prolaze oni koji se kače sa Saintsima. .


Shipping & Delivery

At this point, you have probably realized that we are selling digital games. These games are also original games, bought from Sony online Store, the only difference being they are not physical (on disc). You don’t need PS Plus to play.

We deliver games online (via Viber, WhatsApp, or an e-mail), as soon as we receive your payment. We offer a lifetime guarantee on all purchased games from our shop. Contact us on our website chat or +381649700535 via Viber or WhatsApp.

The process is as follows: You need to access our account (New User) using the email and password you recieve from us. After the purchase, start downloading the game from the Library. If you have bought the game as a Guest, you play using that account only. If you are not a Guest, then you need to log out, the game will download on your console, and you can play from your own account. If you want your game to work properly, please, follow the rules, do not change the password and do not share your information with anyone. We sell this game at this price taking only one console into consideration.

We sell codes for Xbox, and Switch.

Regarding PCs, we also sell codes, for platforms such as Steam, Origin, Epic Store etc.